Parents: Career Education in the Age of AI

Students report that the career advice they rely on the most comes from their parents.

How accurate is your knowledge in this era of artificial intelligence and machine learning? Karae, the owner, is passionate about helping people to understand artificial intelligence and the effect it will have on our society.

She created a presentation to provide parents with up-to-date information.

Learn where to put your focus, avoid anxiety about the changes occuring in the world of work, and equip your children with the skills to master their future regardless of how it will look.

“Parenting for Career Success in the Age of AI” Presentation

We deliver a workshop in your community or remotely. Topics covered:

  • Learn about the new industrial revolution and its effect on future careers,
  • Understand Society’s inability to forecast jobs and how to work around that issue, and
  • Discover parenting techniques for adjusting to the changing circumstances.

Where and When is the Workshop Delivered?

This workshop will happen in your school or community.

It is 1-hour long and can be delivered in person or remotely.

We suggest you partner with the Parent Advisory Councils in your community and turn it into a fundraiser.

Connect with us and we can work out the details.

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